COTD – Carpet Of The Day … or year!
We were recently invited to supply and fit a pink chevron carpet in the corridor (yes, you read that correctly) of MediaCity’s Dock 10 on behalf of CBBC’s brand new Saturday Mash Up. It was time to get our Chev-r-on:
It was no easy job; the design/layout of the chevrons meant attention to detail and patience were key. Finally, however, after two solid nights’ labour, we were proud to hand back the corridor to CBBC ready for their first live show on the 30th September.
Then, on Saturday evening, the legend that is Gary Lineker shared the below on his Instagram!
We’re seriously hoping nobody actually ‘trips’ as we fitted it nice and securely… We can’t help the psychedelic colour scheme though – that’s down to the designer, David Bevin.
It’s safe to say that flooring rarely gets shout outs … or even noticed. But this pink delight even had the presenters giving it a mention!
Thanks to the CBBC team, Red Rhino and Dock 10 for their patience and custom.